To see box contents for the week – see our Facebook pinned post! 24th June 2022By Andrew| Weekly Boxes|1910 Views|0 Comment Read More
BOXES FOR WEEK ENDING 26TH JUNE 2022 17th June 2022By Andrew| Weekly Boxes|1758 Views|0 Comment ORGANIC VEG BOXES FOR PICK UP or DELIVERY –Free Delivery for all orders > $1201/2 Price Specials on Organic fruit and veggies!Avocado. $1.50 each (RRP$3) Sweet Potato. $3/kg (RRP $6) Potato. $2.25/kg (RRP$4.50) Pumpkin. $2.25/kg (RRP$4.50) Onions. $1.50/500g (RRP$3) Oranges. $2.50/kg (RRP$5)(TUES 14th & WED 15th June)***THIS WEEKS VEGGIE BOX***Your box can include (subject to availability):LETTUCE/ Salad mix / Rocket (supply issue) CARROT EGGPLANT SILVERBEET TOMATO AVOCADO CAPSICUM FENNEL BEETROOT ONION LEEK PUMPKIN POTATO SWEET POTATO **** THIS WEEKS FRUIT BOX ****Your box can include: (subject to availability)APPLES ORANGES BANANAS PEARS Paw Paw WATERMELON (Fruit box only)**** THIS WEEKS JUICE BOX *****ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT CELERY BEETROOT CARROTS APPLES GINGER TUMERIC SPINACH LEMONBox choices:SMALL VEG BOX $39 LARGE VEG BOX $59 SMALL MIXED BOX suits 2-3ppl $45 MEDIUM MIXED BOX suits 4-5ppl $69 LARGE MIXED BOX suits 5 plus $95 SMALL FRUIT BOX $39 LARGE FRUIT BOX $59 JUICE BOX $52CUSTOMISED BOXES are an additional $5Pick up points:NERANG: TUESDAY 3.30-5pm Elements Chiropractic 4/ 39-41 Nerang StOXENFORD: WEDNESDAY 4- 630pm @ 13 Vermont StreetBurleigh Waters 4-6pm @ 2/ 17 sunbird AveMULLUMBIMBY WEDNESDAY 4-6pm 21 Stuart StreetOCEAN SHORES WEDNESDAY 4-6pm 1 Gira PlaceHOME DELIVERY!!!!!! Read More